Creating Financial Agility

At FinGility, it is not just about bookkeeping, accounting or compliance, its forging a partnership with businesses to help them grow and outperform.



We help businesses drive up profitability with strong cash flows



We provide AGILE CFO (VCFO) services to new and established businesses who may not need a full time CFO but need insight, support and advice of an experienced CFO. Our team has experienced CFOs who have supported many businesses in multiple industries to grow and achieve their corporate objectives. Our signature AGILE CFO services in conjunction with accounting & bookkeeping and compliance services provide a one-window complete solution for businesses looking for not only conformance but also performance.

We can help you with:

  1. Business and strategic planning
  2. Profit and cash flow management and optimisation
  3. Board and investor reporting and presentation (Board Pack)
  4. Financial insight and analysis
  5. Business performance review and Reporting
  6. KPI settings, reporting & monitoring
  7. Budgeting and forecasting and variance reporting
  8. Risk management

Instilling agile and robust infrastructure to support timely and informed decision making

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